A deputy brutally beat Brian after the shooting, as he lay bleeding on the floor. The deputy was extremely abusive to Brian's mother as well, dragging her away by her hair.
Brian has no criminal history, not even a recent traffic ticket, but the jury could not know that fact.
Why was Bananola's body buried before the defense could have an autopsy done? Why was the jury not allowed to know that the only person who investigated the body was the county examiner who was later forced out of office for unprofessional conduct? How can his report be accepted as credible?
Brian still has two bullets from the officers' guns lodged in his lungs and bullet fragments in his knee.
Brian was shot in the testicles during the gunfire. Could a man really walk into the next room, stand over someone and shoot after just being shot in the testicles? The truth is that he was shot in the hallway, then fell to the floor and was swimming in his own blood...in the hallway.
Why were the deputies involved in the raid so rude to Deputy Bananola's daughter in the courthouse hallway before and after the third trial verdict was read? And was it necessary or professional for the deputies to verbally assault Brian Eggleston's family and friends in the hallway outside of the courtroom?
Brian was kept in the hospital for only about two weeks, even though a normal person with such extensive injuries would likely have been kept in the hospital for about a month. He had to recover from potentially deadly injuries in the Pierce County jail.
Did the jury consider that as soon as Brian set foot out of his bedroom he had no time to think, he had been awake for a matter of seconds, he was blinded by muzzle flashes and was in shock as he felt excruciating pain from a bullet shot into his testicles? Why wasn't the jury allowed to know that the medications that Brian had taken earlier that morning for his colitis included a tranquilizer?
Why didn't the media report about the testimony of a neighbor who saw deputies run out of the house after the gunshots and put on the attire they claimed to be wearing during the raid?
Why did the prosecuting attorneys and deputies repeatedly mention Brian's marijuana nipple ring that was smaller than a quarter, but they failed to mention the Lord's Prayer medallion around his neck that was the size of a half dollar?
Why was the prosecution allowed to discredit Brian with lies but the defense was not allowed to discredit the deputies with the truth about how they beat him brutally after the shooting and with the hidden scandals surrounding many of their careers?
Why was the raid team allowed to testify that if they had to do it over they would do it the same way, when in fact they couldn't do it the same way because the sheriff's department had to change their procedures due to what happened?
Could the jury be so naïve to think that the evidence wasn't moved as over 50 people went through that small house that morning, most of whom were in connection with the sheriff's department that needed to cover up this mess?
Did the third jury realize that the prosecution in the third trial intentionally dragged out its case for five long weeks in order to make the jury anxious and unwilling to spend any time deliberating during the holiday season?
Do taxpayers know that they have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for the prosecution's reconstructionist, Rod Englert, to create a story to cover the truth? Why didn't he have notes from a meeting that he had in December 1996 in Vancouver, WA with the prosecutor and some of the deputies?
Why didn't Detective Benson arrest Eggleston at the time he supposedly witnessed a "controlled buy?"
If Brian truly was a drug dealer, why can't they find anybody else who ever bought from him?
Who was the driving force way up in the Sheriff's Department who thought they could benefit professionally if they busted an alleged dirty deputy?
How can the deputies and prosecutors involved live with the lies they have told? Brian will face God on judgment day knowing that he has always been truthful, unfortunately they will not.